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Holiday Playscheme

Access to the adventure playground and all its activities are at the discretion of the GAPA staff at all times.  Any threatening or abusive language towards the staff will not be tolerated and could lead to children /adults being asked to leave if you have any suggestions or complaints please see a member of staff who will be happy to assist.

GAPA is an open access adventure playground which means children are able to freely leave all playsessions at anytime.  Please ensure that your child can arrive and return home safely as no responsibility is accepted for this by the playground staff.  If children are booked into paid session they will not be able to leave the site unless we have your permission for them to do so.

No responsibility will be taken by any of the staff or volunteers for any properties brought onto the playground this includes coats, toys, phones bikes and scooters.

Hot food can be purchased for £2 this must be ordered by 1pm.

Drinking water is available at all times

If you are bringing 0 - 4yrs along they must be supervised by an adult and be at arms length at all times.

Every child coming to the playscheme needs to have a registration form filled in and signed by a parent/carer. This will provide a contact number for you should we need to speak to you or contact you in an emergency.  Please ensure you keep us up to date with  personal details and inform immediately of any changes.  All  details of children are kept securely and are not shared without your consent, in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

For the health and well being of everyone, no child will be accepted onto the playground if they have been absent from school through illness, or if they have been ill on the  morning of a playsession.


Please ensure that your child has old clothes on. The playground is a fun place with lots of paint, glue, water and mud!

Playscheme 21 poster.jpg
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Summer 2020 Playscheme Pictures
February 2020 Playscheme Pictures
Summer 2019 Playscheme Pictures
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